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Alpha Delta Nu Honor Society

(left to right) April Montesi, Haley Schrader, Mary Baldwin, Linda Bright
On January 28, 2013 Mississippi Delta Community College received chartered membership as Alpha Iota Chapter of the Organization for Associate Degree Nursing (OADN) Alpha Delta Nu Honor Society.
Tracy Killebrew, MSN, RN
The faculty advisors shall serve to assist and facilitate the activities of the society. The advisors shall meet with the Officers, as needed, to provide advice and counsel in promoting the objectives of the society. The advisors are responsible to keep the entire nursing faculty informed of the society's activities. The faculty advisors shall be responsible to submit the annual report to OADN by the end of the fourth semester of the core curriculum.
The objective of the OADN Alpha Delta Nu Nursing Honor Society shall be to recognize the academic excellence of students in the study of Associate Degree Nursing. The society shall encourage the pursuit of advance degrees in the profession of nursing as well as continuing education as a life-long professional responsibility. Additionally, the society shall participate in the recruitment of qualified individuals into the profession of nursing.
Membership shall be offered to students after the first two semesters who have maintained a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or above and have earned a grade of B or better in each nursing class of the nursing program with no previous failures in any nursing course. Students would be invited to provisional membership at the beginning of the third semester of the core curriculum. Full membership would be granted if the student maintains the cumulative 3.0 GPA and earns a grade of B or better in all nursing courses in the third semester of study during the second year of the core nursing curriculum. Students shall have demonstrated conduct on campus and the clinical areas that reflects integrity and professionalism. Any non-generic student shall be offered membership who has maintained a 3.0 or above in nursing (with letter grades of B or higher) and a cumulative of 3.0 or above in the semesters prior to the fourth semester of the program.
President -
Treasurer -
Secretary -
Vice President -
The OADN Alpha Delta Nu Nursing Honor Society shall elect a President, Vice President, and Secretary from the body of the provisional members in the third semester of the second year of the core curriculum. These officers shall serve for the entire academic year. The President of the society shall be responsible to call a minimum of two meetings, or more, as needed, during the third semester. The President shall be responsible to conduct the meetings, transact business, appoint members to committees, and communicate information of the society's activities to the membership. The President shall only have voting powers to break a tie. The President shall serve as an ex-officio member on all committees. In the absence of the President, the Vice President shall serve the duties of the President. The Secretary shall be responsible to provide at least one week notification to the membership of meetings to be held. The Secretary shall maintain clear and concise minutes of all meetings. All minutes of the meetings are to be forwarded to the advisor(s).