Clubs & Organizations
Clubs & Organizations
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Clubs & Organizations
MDCC has a variety of clubs with something to interest just about everyone! The following clubs are an active part of campus life at MDCC.
Performing Groups
Several organizations at MDCC offer talent scholarships for those students who wish to audition. These groups perform throughout the district and across the state helping promote MDCC. The talent scholarship groups include the following:
Scholarships are available to students who have participated in high school bands.
MDCC Bands stress excellence in the field of instrumental music.
The MDCC Cheerleaders serve to boast school spirit at a number of events including
sporting events, pep rallies and parades.
Scholarships are available to highly talented singers and musicians.
Delta Dancers
The Delta Dancers are the official dance team of MS Delta Community College and represent
the oldest dance line on the MDCC campus. This feature group performs with the MDCC
Marching Band at football games, campus pep rallies, basketball games, and campus
General Clubs & Organizations
ART Club
ART Club members learn to coordinate and participate in Gallery Exhibits, write artist
statements, and prepare a professional portfolio.
Delta Directors
Delta Directors serve as MDCC's student recruiters. To join Delta Directors, contact
the Office of Enrollment Management at 662-246-6443.
Future Business Leaders of America
Future Business Leaders of America is an association for all business majors to create
future interest in the field of business.
The Retrospect is the MDCC yearbook. If you're interested in joining the Retrospect
staff and gaining journalism experience, contact Dr. Charnecca Barnes at 662-246-6239
or cbarnes@msdelta.edu.
Skills USA
SkillsUSA is a partnership of career-technical students, teachers and industry working
together to ensure America has a skilled workforce. The organization provides educational
programs, events and competitions that support career and technical education. For
more information, contact the Career-Technical Office at 662-246-6516.
Student Government Association
To join the SGA, contact the Office of Student Services at 662-246-6483.
Honors Organizations
Phi Theta Kappa
Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society is the international honor society of two-year colleges
and academic programs, particularly state colleges and community colleges. MDCC has
two chapters: Zeta Zeta Chapter (Moorhead campus) & Beta Rho Omicron Chapter (GHEC)
Alpha Delta Nu Honor Society
Alpha Iota Chapter of the Organization for Associate Degree Nursing (OADN)
Lambda Nu
National Honors Society for Radiologic and Imaging Sciences
Health Science Clubs & Organizations
In order to be a member of these clubs/organizations, you must be a part of the associated health science program.
ASCLC (American Society of Clinical Laboratory Scientists)
Student Chapter of the ADHA (American Dental Hygienists' Association)
Student Religious Life
Baptist Student Union
For information about the BSU, call 662-246-5043.
Christian Student Center
For information about the CSC, call 662-303-0169.