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Entertainment Industry Studies
The Entertainment Industry Studies curriculum provides instruction designed to prepare a student for a career in the Entertainment Industry. Satisfactory completion of this curriculum entitles the student to the Associate of Arts degree.
What can I expect from a career in Entertainment Industry Studies?
Potential careers include electronic production and design, which includes audio engineering,
mastering, mixing, music directing, producing, program directing, programming, recording
engineer, studio manager and MIDI technician; event production, management, planning
and technology; marketing; media development; music for game development; music online
and print magazine writing, editing and publishing; music web producer; recording,
which includes research, publicity, marketing, public relations and sales; sound technician,
including sound design and sound operator and tours or road work, including road manager,
sound technician, tour coordinator or tour publicist.
At this time Delta State University, University of Southern Mississippi and The University
of Memphis offer bachelor’s degrees in Entertainment Industry Studies. Due to the
varied requirements of the schools of music at the senior institutions, the programs
may be adjusted to comply with the requirements of the school where the students are
transferring. Aside from the core requirements for the associate degree, students
will need to take some business courses and basic computer skills for musicians, computer
recording I and II, audio engineering I and II and survey of popular music.

Jennifer Woodard
Fine Arts Department Chair / Art Instructor
Office: FA 100 A