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Students majoring in Music at MDCC are pursuing degrees in Music Education or Music Performance on the Moorhead Campus. Music majors fall under three categories: Instrumental (woodwinds, brass, percussion, guitar), Piano, or Voice. ALL music majors are required to take Applied Lessons, Recital, Music Theory 1 & 2, and Piano courses offered by our faculty. Each music major is also required to participate in at least one music ensemble on campus each semester. Our music ensembles include: The Spirit of the Delta Band, MDCC Singers, The Ambassador Band, and many more!
Several scholarship opportunities are available for students who are gifted in the performing arts. Students may audition for the following groups: The Spirit of the Delta Band, the MDCC Singers, and the Ambassador Band. Auditions for each group are held during the spring semester.
Meet our Faculty!
Ben Folk - Instructor of Music, Applied Piano Lessons, Piano Class, Recording Arts Fundamentals, Computer Recording, Entertainment Industry Studies
Harvey Jackson - Instructor of Music, Director of Choral Activities, MDCC Singers (scholarships available), The Ambassador Band (scholarships available), Music Fundamentals, Applied Voice Lessons
Stefan Mathis - Instructor of Music, Director of Bands, The Spirit of the Delta Band (scholarships available)

Harvey Jackson
Director of Choral Activities / Music Instructor
Office: Yeates Fine Arts Building, Office 115C

Stefan Mathis
Director of Bands
Office: Yeates Fine Arts Building, Office 115A

Jennifer Woodard
Fine Arts Department Chair / Art Instructor
Office: FA 100 A